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Our story

The low mess solution for filling and eating a baguette

Established in 2018, Stuffastick® is a family-run business based in East Anglia

We aim to share with you a new way of preparing a sandwich. Giving you the opportunity to enjoy all the sandwich fillings you’ve ever wanted but never dared to put inside two slices of bread.

Stuffastick® as a concept was a light bulb moment one Saturday lunchtime. Here’s the story behind it.

Feeling hungry after a busy morning and an even busier Friday night out, it was time for a snack. A going stale baguette sat nearby, but what to put in it? In the fridge was yesterdays leftover chilli con carne. Perfect – not really, how do I put chilli into a baguette?

Fetching a long sharp knife I decided to strip the bread from the inside of the baguette. With the chilli warming on the stove, I started to remove the core of the baguette. After a few minutes and a couple of near trips to A&E, I finally had the baguette ready.

I love cheese with my chilli (who doesn’t!) so I spooned the chilli and cheese into the baguette.

Finally, time to eat – it definitely hit the spot.

While eating I thought about what I’d just done – and how nice the chilli was. It was unsafe and messy hacking out the bread core and the way I’d spooned the chilli and cheese into the baguette meant that one bite was chilli and the next cheese. With determination, I thought I can make this easier and better.

By the end of the afternoon, the first two prototypes of Stuffastick® had been made.

The first was made with the cardboard core of a kitchen roll. A few snips with the scissors and I had something that I thought might work.

Into the garage to find some leftover plastic pipe and after a few minutes with my jigsaw, prototype two was ready. A quick trip to the shop to get another baguette and I found that it worked.

I was able to remove the core evenly and safely and fill it in such a way that whatever sandwich filling I used the food was perfectly mixed.

Since that day we have fine-tuned the Stuffastick® design with the help of 3D printers and are ready to share it with you. Stuffastick® is now being manufactured in the UK and we sincerely hope that you enjoy using it as much as we do.

See how easy it is to use!

Manufactured in the UK using food & dishwasher safe materials

stuffastick - baguette filling utensil